
Essentra employees

Ethical Trading Policy

Essentra regards suppliers as partners and works with them to help achieve policy aspirations in the delivery of products and services. Specifically, Essentra is committed to working with its suppliers of products and services to ensure that the welfare of workers and labour conditions within the supply chain meet or exceed recognised standards.

Each business is responsible for ensuring that all those affected by the supply chain are producing goods and services which adequately meet internationally recognised minimum requirements for worker welfare and conditions of employment. The minimum requirements are defined by the International Fair Labour Organisation (IFLO) or based on the Ethical Trading Initiative dependent on the business jurisdiction.

Each business is responsible for implementing appropriate processes to assess supplier’s compliance with the laid down standards and monitor performance and improvements against the standards. Suppliers who are unable to meet all the requirements after an initial assessment/audit will be given the opportunity to fully comply within a period which is deemed appropriate for the circumstances. An action plan should be documented and the supplier expected to commit to addressing all the areas where discrepancies have been identified. The process of improvement via this method is principally down to the commitment of the supplier’s management team/owner/agent to ensure that all areas are addressed. If Essentra has reason to believe that the supplier is not making sufficient or committed progress, then this could lead to a closure in the relationship until such time that Essentra were confident that all areas had been satisfactorily addressed.

Essentra companies reserve the right to cease a relationship with a supplier if it is subsequently found that unacceptable practices are being employed within any manufacturing sites used for Essentra products. These include use of child labour, forced or bonded labour as well as physical abuse or discipline and extreme forms of intimidation.

The policy applies to every business in Essentra.


Essentra-wide ethical trading issues are the responsibility of the Chief Executive supported by the Group Management Committee who are responsible for implementing and monitoring ethical trading policies within the respective businesses.